We love the work we do at Westcott House, but, like many other charitable institutions, we rely on additional income from donations to make this possible. We are immensely grateful to all our friends, alumni and other generous benefactors who have supported us through the years. Without this vital support we could not fund our key projects. Every single gift we receive will help us to train ordinands, provide bursaries, improve the quality of our facilities and buildings for our students, and develop our outreach to the wider Church.
By choosing to support Westcott House, we can continue investing in the ministry of future generations with your help.
Online Donation with the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS)
One off and regular gifts can be set up and made securely through the Parish Giving Scheme, managed by the Church of England. We will receive all of your donation, including Gift Aid, and donors have the option to:
- Give monthly, quarterly or annually by Direct Debit
- Sign up to inflation linked giving annually, if selected
- Enhance a gift with Gift Aid which adds 25% to giving
- Remain anonymous, if preferred
More information about the Parish Giving Scheme, including how it works and how to set up a gift is available from the donor section of the PGS website. To make a gift, please click the button below or scan the QR code.
Other ways to donate
If you would prefer to make a single gift by post, please download our donation form and once completed send to Westcott House, Jesus Lane, Cambridge CB5 8BP. Cheques should be made payable to Westcott House.
To set up a regular gift by post, please email and we can send or email you the appropriate form.
Cambridge in America
For US donors, if you wish to make a contribution please donate via Cambridge in America and specify that the donation is for Westcott House.