Revd Dr Naomi Wormell
Lecturer in Old Testament, Tutor for Learning Support, Deputy Designated Lead for Safeguarding
Tel: 01223 272977
Naomi is a parish priest, currently with four rural parishes, and works part-time at Westcott as Lecturer in Old Testament, Tutor for Learning Support, and Deputy Designated Lead for Safeguarding. She teaches the following modules:
- TMM1021 Introduction to Old Testament
- BTh11 Reading the Christian Bible
- BTh14 David: Israel’s greatest hero
- BTh23 Old Testament Studies
Naomi is also one of the staff contributing to L5 and L6 Old Testament biblical book papers (on a three-year rotation).
She serves as a member of the SpLD Committee and was previously a member of both the Durham and Cambridge Academic Oversight Groups.
Naomi’s interests are in Old Testament, particularly Pentateuch, children’s spirituality, neurodiversity and formation for ministry, and lifelong learning/education in the community.